
STERILtest GST E6/E5 self-contained contains, inside a thermoplastic tube, a paper disc impregnated with Geobacillus stearothermophilus (ATCC 7953) spores in predefined concentrations (E6= 1-5 x 106 UFC/disc; E5 = 1-5 x 105 UFC/disc). The tube contains also a small glass ampoule with nutrient broth with a pH indicator. Spores are completely killed off after 15 minutes of sterilization at 121 °C and therefore during the following incubation in the culture medium contained inside the ampoule, they are not able to grow and to modify the medium’s colour. At a lower temperature or at a shorter sterilization time, spores partially survive and therefore during the incubation are able to grow and to modify the medium’s colour.

Self-contained for steam sterilization 
  Cell Bio Catalogue No.   Details  Pack Size
 LF91100  STERILtest GST E6 self-contained
 Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of G.  stearothermophilus (1-5x106 CFU/disc).
100 units
 LF91101  STERILtest GST E5 self-contained
 Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of G.  stearothermophilus (1-5x105 CFU/disc).
 100 units

Self-contained for ethylene oxide sterilization 
  Cell Bio Catalogue No.   Details  Pack Size
 LF91150  STERILtest BAT E6 self-contained
 Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of
 B. atrophaeus (1-5x106 CFU/disc).
 100 units
 STERILtest BAT E5 self-contained
 Devices with nutrient medium, pH indicator and discs with spores of
  B. atrophaeus (1-5x105 CFU/disc).
 100 units
 Steel pincer for the easy break of self-contained vials.
 1 pincer